Please register ASAP
Join ANROSP on a "Virtual Roadtrip". The 2020 conference will take place over 3 days (September 22-24, 2020) with 4 hours each day (1pm-5pm Eastern Daylight Time). We will take the journey together “live” online using video conference technology as we caravan to several main attractions, visit scenic overlooks to view the beautiful landscapes conserved by our member programs, and enjoy some fun car games to network and engage with each other. Please visit conference information page for agenda, presentation abstracts, award submissions, and conference details.
There will be a small registration “toll” of only $45 to join this year’s conference. Registrants will have access to participate in the full "live" online conference (12 hours, including 4 workshops). The live conference will only be accessible to current ANROSP members (individuals must be linked to a current member program bundle). There are 5 slots available per bundle; contact your local program to inquire if they have any available slots. Non-members can register for access to a recorded version of the conference.
Any questions, concerns, comments please share them with Shelly Johnson, ANROSP Vice President and Conference Chair,
ANROSP promotes awareness and citizen stewardship of natural resources through science-based education and service programs.
ANROSP envisions healthy ecosystems and communities through citizens who learn, teach and practice natural resource stewardship.
© 2016 Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs. All rights reserved.