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Call for 2024 ANROSP Annual National Conference PRESENTATION PROPOSALS

June 15, 2023 4:00 PM | Deleted user

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ANROSP Annual National Conference Call for Presentations 
Accent on Alliances:  Building and Sustaining Program Partnerships 
SEPTEMBER 10 - 12, 2024
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters and Bloomington Education and Visitor Center

The Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs (ANROSP) is a national consortium of natural resource-focused adult education and stewardship programs, including Master Naturalists, Master Watershed Stewards, Wildlife Stewards, Master Woodland Mangers, Open Space Programs, and more.  ANROSP facilitates networking and exchange of information and resources among coordinators of service-oriented environmental education programs across the United States and helps create healthy ecosystems and communities through participants who learn, teach, and practice natural resource stewardship.

This dynamic conference is for professionals and partner organizations who coordinate, administer, or host training and volunteer programs in natural resource conservation, education, and outreach or for those interested in developing similar programming. During the conference, you can expect to gain knowledge from a diverse range of programs, network with colleagues, and obtain valuable tools to enhance your existing program or develop a new one.

Conference Topics
All presentations relevant to professionals who coordinate natural resource service programs will be considered.  Special consideration will be given to proposals that address cutting edge research about volunteer programs, volunteer management, natural resource education or interpretation.
Presentation Types
We are seeking proposals for the following presentation types:
          • ORAL PRESENTATION (20 minutes) – Oral presentation may highlight case studies, program successes, or novel approaches to natural resource outreach and service programs; or be interactive and aim to provide participants with new skills applicable to their program or to the overall advancement of ANROSP.
          • POSTER PRESENTATION - Please consider submitting a proposal to present a poster at our “Program Marketplace” poster session.  This is a great opportunity to talk one-on-one with colleagues about your research,  program strategies, impacts, etc. Posters giving an overview of a natural resource outreach and service program are welcome.

*Please consider submitting both a poster AND an oral presentation. We want to see your work and projects submitted in both media formats.

Presentation proposals are due by July 1st. Participants will be notified of acceptance approximately July 15th. [Presentations submitted after the deadline will be considered pending space availability.]

Poster proposals are due by August 1st. Participants will be notified of acceptance approximately August 15th.

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